A Proven Approach For Every Engineering Design and Build

From On-site Audits To On-Budget Installations

Ambassador Controls & Engineering specializes in building new modern controls solutions for a variety of verticals. And, for each vertical, our team takes pride in our streamlined approach and proven performance in the engineering design and build function, delivering projects on-time and on-budget.

Panel Build

An Ambassador panel retrofit is one example for our thorough approach to ensuring you receive sleek, custom-prepared solutions, ready for installation, on-time and on-budget:

  • On-Site Audits: Our team performs a preliminary, on-site audit to guarantee that we provide you with the best estimate. We arrive on-site, take appropriate reference photos, and gather any critical information, including drawings and PLC programs.
  • Reliable Quotes: We provide you with a quote to replace your existing panel with a sleek and tidy panel design. While modernizing your processes with the latest technology, our replacement will ensure the safety of you and your staff.
  • Top Builders: We partner with the top panel builders in the industry to provide you with the most accurate panel build, based upon our drawings.
  • Supervised Installations: We supervise our electrical sub-contractors while they install and wire your panel. Following installation, we commission the system, performing I/O checkout, manual functionality, and then automatic functionality ensuring that our program runs to your complete satisfaction.
  • Remote Monitoring: Our designs are built standard with remote monitoring capability, so we may swiftly and remotely address any potential concern. If remote monitoring is not an option, we are only a phone call away, and are usually able to be at a client site within 2 to 4 hours

Programming and Software Development

We take pride in our efficient, creative programming skills, and we collaborate directly with our clients to ensure comprehensive and enduring functionality. We offer:

  • Software Reviews & Workshops Throughout Our Programming Process: This ensures that you remain satisfied and informed as the industrial software development work unfolds. When our work is completed, we go to great lengths to guarantee that you and your team are happy with the results.
  • Enhanced Fault Diagnostics: We’ll make sure mean time to repair is minimized, so that production is up and running in the shortest period of time.
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